
Traversing the road to recovery

A slow, healing journey to the one-month mark of my ACL surgery   By the time I walked out of the physiotherapy clinic, the heavy downpour had faded into a light drizzle. Light enough, for me to thread cautiously across the puddles on the wet floor to the next building.   “Hello, do you need shelter?”   I had been […]


ACL reconstruction: one week on

“So tell me, what do you work as?” my friendly anaesthetist asked in a casual tone, clearly trying to distract me as he tapped on my left hand for a popping vein to insert the needle.   I was not in the mood to be sociable, but I answered him anyway. He followed up naturally with […]

Singapore Stories

Wedding at Aura, National Gallery Singapore

So this homemade video pretty much sums up the night with a little bit of speech, some song and a lot of dance 🙂 And here’s a shoutout to the incredibly talented people who made it happen: Photography Crazy outdoor pre-wedding shoot – Alvin Chong Actual day morning – Garrick Bay Actual night – Pascal Flowers My […]

Singapore Stories

Don’t let your rituals become ruts

  Phew, 2015 is finally over! I’ve enjoyed every single moment of it, don’t get me wrong. It’s the year I went through several “rites of passage” – got engaged, moved into my own place, got married. That’s quite a lot of firsts rolled into one year. To be honest, doing up your own home […]

Singapore Stories

The Next Adventure Awaits

It’s been a week since our big day. To our family and friends who had taken the time to join us, we thank you once again for your company and we sincerely hope you’ve had a good time.  To those who weren’t able to, here’s a recap of the photo montage and our speeches. Enjoy 🙂 […]

Projects Singapore Stories

Our crazy wedding shoot (and how we did it)

Like many other crazy things in life, it started with a casual idea over the dinner table. At first, KT and I had no plans for a photoshoot since we didn’t sign up for any bridal packages. But then we decided there was no better excuse than our wedding to capture some dramatic shots of […]


Wedding AM Highlights

Going through the traditional customs of a Chinese wedding can be pretty overwhelming. There will be some things you do because your mother insists so, some for the fun of it and the rest mostly because everybody else does it. For KT and I, our wedding became a reality only after our proposal to skip the whole thing […]