Singapore Stories

Last minute tips for your marathon

It’s that time of the year again – when months of your discipline and hard work pay off at the finishing line. With just a few days before SCMS 2015, your training should be tapering off by now. There isn’t much last minute running you can do to clock the distance, but here are a […]

Shanghai Stories

5 things about Shanghai that surprised me

Shanghai isn’t exactly the typical holiday destination I’d plan for. So when KT went there for work last month, I was semi-enthusiastic about joining. But I was hungry for a short break – from work and the never-ending to-dos of our new home – coupled with KT’s free hotel and some unredeemed travel vouchers. For […]


The Unspoken Pains of a #SoloTrip

We’ve all come across raving reviews of the solo trip in one form or another. Instagram feeds of beautiful, brave travels, accompanied by hashtags like #solotravel #finally. Plenty of articles on ‘why you should travel alone’. Not forgetting, that friend who always says – with a wistful look – “it’s just not the same exploring […]


Differences between travelling as a student and after you start work

As a student, I had never once wavered when it came down to booking the cheaper flight option with the oddest timings, or checking in to a dodgy hostel just because it cost so little per bunk bed. When you have lots of energy (and very little money), every budget option is a wonderful opportunity […]


How to Enjoy Grad Trip on a Shoe-string Budget

Graduation. One of the best times in life. You’re done with burning the midnight oil cramming endless definitions and formulae, but not yet entangled in the 9-to-5 rigidities of working world. Anyone at this stage should try the experience of a grad trip. As Ralph Waldo Emerson rightfully advised, go live in the sunshine, swim […]


Why a Torn ACL Shouldn’t Stop Your Adventures

The dreaded news arrives from your doctor to confirm your ACL is torn. Complete rupture. You feel the agony, one that is more excruciating than the instant you ‘popped’ your knee. You were told reconstruction is the only option if you intend to return to your beloved sport. Sounds familiar? If you have recently been […]


10 Reasons Why You Should Date an Outdoor Girl

We all have that friend – the girl with sun-kissed skin and a sunshine smile. The one who listens intently with a sparkle in her eyes when you share stories of your recent adventure. Here’s why it may be worthwhile to know her more, and even ask her out on a date:   She’s Spontaneous […]